Sunday, January 17, 2010

What can I do about my ridged fingernails? Ridges go down my nails to the cuticles and they split and break!?

My cuticles look ragged even though I use handcream and my nails look short and all different sizes. I used to have nice long nails but can't get them to grow and they look horrible, especially in the winter. I've tried different nail strengthening polishes and I take the vitamins recommended for the condition.

Has anyone had this problem and sorted it out? I'd be really interested to know if you've used either a cream, polish, herbs or homeopathic remedy that has worked.

Thanx 4 your help. xWhat can I do about my ridged fingernails? Ridges go down my nails to the cuticles and they split and break!?
Nail Polish stops the oxygenation in the nail making them yellow, buff and polish naturally, maybe its and the lack of Iron in your diet, but thats a guess go to a diet doctor and find that one out.

To make them grow stronger eat Jelly (Jell-o if American) because of the gelatin it will help with the strength, also cut and file down (this helps to thicken and strengthen) for a while until your nails are back to how they one were!

All the Best.What can I do about my ridged fingernails? Ridges go down my nails to the cuticles and they split and break!?
It does sound like some form of vitamin deficiency but popping pills is not the answer food is the best way of providing vitamins change your diet to obtain the vitamins you need but the change wont be instant as nails grow about a millimetre a week so it could be four months before your nails are back to their former glory
ridges in your nails is often caused by deficiencies in vitamins and calcium.

Try inproving your diet and dont paint your nails unless its with a protector. Keep them short until the problem is solved. Long nails with ridges in them look awful so keep them shorter.
gentle buffing from cuticle to tip of nail should help
i use nutra nail with green tea twice a week i re due them

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